About this tool

MVI criteriatool

On this page you will find a brief explanation of how to use the MVI criteria tool, determining ambition and the process to keep the criteria up to date.

Using the MVI criteria tool you can quickly collect the most recent Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)criteria for your purchasing document. You can select suitability requirements, selection criteria, requirements, rewarding criteria and contract provisions. You can choose from three ambition levels and you will also see the relevant sustainability themes to which the criterion applies. You can then download your selection. You can copy these texts into your tender document after checking and possibly supplementing them.

The use of the MVI criteria tool

The tool and the criteria included in it are an aid for governments that want to make SPP policy and ambitions concrete. The tool makes the work easier. However, you must choose criteria yourself and determine whether criteria need to be further specified, for example, what verification is required and what weighting to use for award criteria. Simply adopting all criteria is not the intention; in practice this can lead to unnecessary or disproportionate application and therefore the absence of the desired effect.

The video below explains the use of the MVI criteria tool

•         https://vimeo.com/user7192703/review/778513509/ada7e8ef4a 

Update of the MVI criteria tool

The MVI criteria tool is updated periodically. The video below provides an explanation.

•         https://vimeo.com/user7192703/review/778504300/365415adad 

Ambition levels

You can choose criteria at three different ambition levels:

1.       base

2.       significant

3.       ambitious

The purchasing organization itself makes the choice at which level it wants to purchase. It is also possible to make a combination of different levels. For each criterion, the ambition level is indicated with 1 (basic), 2 (significant) or 3 (ambitious) green leaves.

The video below provides an explanation of ambition levels

•         https://vimeo.com/user7192703/review/778505593/0c3ee2a8a8 

You will find more information about determining ambition on the PIANOo website (in Dutch).


For each criterion it is indicated on which theme(s) the criterion has a favorable influence. The themes are:

•         Energy and Climate (Energy)

•         Materials and Raw Materials (Materials)

•         Soil and Water (Soil)

•         Ecology and biodiversity (Ecology)

•         Health, well-being and living environment (Health)

•         Social chain aspects (Social)

•         Animal Welfare (Animal Welfare)

•         Circular economy (Circular)

•         Biobased economy (Biobased)

Direct links

If you want to share a certain criterion with others, you can use the 'Direct Link' button. This will generate a separate URL on a new web page that you can share.


The printout that you can download concludes with a table with the unique number of each criterion. You can use these for your own reference and/or can be entered in the input fields of your tender system.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about applying SPP correctly? Then take a look at the MVI page on the PIANOo website (in Dutch).


MVIcriteria.nl strives to make this website accessible, so that everyone can view and use the site. MVIcriteria.nl partially complies. The status for accessibility is therefore: B.

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